Meet Our Staff

Yitzchok Fuchs
Yitzchok Fuchs
The inspiration behind the Aderes Hatorah Summer Experience, Yitzchok Fuchs “runs the show.” Reb Yitzy, as he is fondly called, works during the year on Wall Street, and is an askan involved in many aspects of community affairs.  His heart and soul are devoted to Eretz Yisroel.  Yitzy’s dynamic passion and knowledge of Eretz Yisroel is legendary.  His favorite hobby is planning itineraries for tourists and travelers since he is familiar with every nook and cranny of the land.  His sincere love for Eretz Yisroel is deeply embossed and is exemplified in his interaction with the boys.
Rav Chaim Zvi Senter
Rav Chaim Zvi Senter
Rabbi Senter is the Rosh Yeshiva of Aderes Hatorah which houses our summer program. Every aspect of our trip is under the Rosh Yeshiva’s guidance.  Rabbi Senter gives the final Haskamah in every decision involving camp.  The boys are privileged to be in the atmosphere of such a legendary Gadol BaTorah.
Rabbi Shaya Soffer
Rabbi Shaya Soffer
Rabbi Soffer who is one of the Mashgichim in Yeshiva Aderes HaTorah, serves as the assistant director of the Experience. Rav Shaya, who was born and grew up in Yerushalayim is a talmid of the Philadelphia Yeshiva as well as Mir Yerushalayim.  He is beloved by his talmidim and is renown for his warmth.
Rav Moshe Ahron Friedman
Rav Moshe Ahron Friedman
Rav Friedman will be returning as the Magid Shiur & Manhig Ruchani of The Experience. He is a beloved R"M in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, where he is renown for his close relationships with current and former talmidim.
A select group of older boys from the Yeshiva are part of our staff as Mashpiyim to provide an atmosphere of growth and Kol Torah in the Bais Medrash.  They serve as role models and supervisors for our boys.
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